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Happy Spring! As the weather becomes warmer and life is flourishing again, it is a great time to learn about protecting the environment, so we can preserve this beautiful scenery for a long time. As you all may already know, the Earth is dying each day with global warming and nature reflects these changes through floods, smogs, and so much more. Learn to protect the planet with us!

Topic: Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle

There are three basic approaches to responsible waste management: reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce means to minimize the amount of waste we create. Reuse means to use items more than once. Recycle means to put a product to a new use instead of throwing it away. Rethink is about considering how our actions affect the environment. Some ways to incorporate these practices into our daily lives are to buy only what you need, choose products with less packaging, use reusable water bottles and environmentally-friendly bags and recycling materials like glass, cardboard, and lead batteries. Additionally, people can reduce energy consumption by turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and conserving water by fixing leaks and using water-efficient appliances. It is also important to check local recycling guidelines to ensure items are sorted correctly and to prevent contamination. The amount of these practices establishes an approach to environmental stewardship for minimizing the ecological footprint, which is further practiced for promotion into a more sustainable future.

Topic: Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is energy that comes from a source that won’t run out. They are natural and self-replenishing. Below are some examples of renewable energy:

  1. Solar energy is harnessed through the power of sunlight and is converted to usable electricity through photovoltaics. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that are typically made from silicon. The cells have two layers; one layer with a positive charge and one with a negative. Once the sunlight hits the solar panels the electrons get excited and move around, that movement produces electric current. 

  2. Hydropower uses the flow of water to generate electricity. Hydropower plants are typically located near rivers or streams where dams are built. The force of gravity causes the water to move with a lot of energy and the fast-moving water then spins a turbine which is connected to a generator. As the turbine spins, it turns the generator and converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

  3. Geothermal energy takes in the heat stored beneath the Earth’s surface to produce electricity that provides heating and cooling for buildings.

Topic: Conserve Natural Resources (water, electricity, trees, etc.)

Conserving natural resources is a great way to slow down the spread of climate change as it ensures the long-term sustainability of the planet due to many natural resources being non-renewable. Here are some ways that YOU can make a change:

1. Reduce energy consumption of electricity by turning off lights and electronics when not in use. 

2. Conserve water by implementing water-saving practices, such as taking shorter showers, fixing leaks, turning off the water while brushing your teeth.

3. Conserve resources by only purchasing what you need, allowing waste to be minimized. Reuse items when possible, and recycle material like paper, plastic, and glass.

4. Get involved! Volunteer at your local communities and maintain the plants and trees. Trees play a crucial role in regulating the temperature as well as reducing the concentration of greenhouse gasses.

Topic: Live Sustainably (thrifting, reducing food waste, walking, etc._)

Your daily habits add up and make a big impact on the environment, so it is important to watch what you consume and do. Here are some ways to live sustainably to save our planet:​

  • Thrift - Buying clothes, home decors, and other things second-hand is not only cheaper, but you are not contributing to overproduction and letting these goods end up in landfills. Donating things that you don’t want to the thrift store gives them a chance to go to a new home and provide others the opportunity to love and use these goods at an affordable price (ex: Goodwill, Value Village, etc.)

  • Transportation - Many people commute to work and traveling has become more accessible with modern technologies. But  these vehicles also release a lot of carbon fuel that causes global warming. It is inevitable that you will need to fly to another country by taking the plane or taking the train to work, but if you can, it is more eco-friendly to walk or bike to your destination. It is also great to buy electric cars and share vehicles to reduce carbon output.

  • Reduce Food Waste - With so many restaurants and supermarkets around us, food is very accessible. However, not watching what you buy or throwing away food can waste a lot of money, but also contribute to carbon emissions in landfills. Be sure to check your fridge and pantry to keep track of what you have, so you buy groceries accordingly and reduce as much waste as possible. Designating a location in your fridge to keep track of expiration dates helps you know what to eat first and freezing your produce can also help with extending their freshness. If you do happen to have too much to finish, it is very empathetic to donate food to food drives, so the less-fortunate can meet their needs.

Topic: Start Your Own Farm

Starting your own farm can have many environmental benefits such as providing safe habitats for wildlife who have been displaced, improving air, water, and soil quality, and preserving biodiversity, and all while using sustainable resources. Here are a few simple ways to start!

  • Growing your own garden - Not only do you get to choose your favorite fruits and veggies to eat and grow, you have control over the way you grow them.

  • Composting - Start with a layer of twigs or mulch at the bottom to maintain air circulation and drainage. Then, add dead leaves, grass, peels, manure, etc. into the compost pile and make sure each layer is alternating moist and dry layers, so it stays damp. It can be used after one to twelve months.

Topic: Volunteer in your Community (clean-ups, plant trees, etc.)

Volunteering in your community is a great way to take action and protect our planet! By getting involved in local clean-ups, tree planting events, and other environmental initiatives, you can make a positive impact on the world around you. Here are some ways you can get started:

  • Community clean-ups: From parks to beaches, join forces to rid our habitats of litter and debris. By cleaning our parks, beaches, and streets, we create safer and more enjoyable environments for everyone to enjoy. Each piece of trash collected represents a step towards preserving our planet and protecting wildlife from harm.

  • Tree/ Flower planting: Plant trees/ flowers in your neighborhood or local green spaces to combat climate change, provide habitat for wildlife, and beautify our surroundings. Raise awareness about the importance of reforestation and habitat restoration.

  • Waste Reduction: From composting workshops to promoting reusable alternatives, encourage efforts to minimize waste generation and maximize recycling in your communities. Provide information on composting, proper waste sorting, and the benefits of reusable alternatives such as cloth bags, reusable water bottles, and food containers. Partner with local recycling facilities to offer tours or demonstrations to illustrate the recycling process and motivate participants to recycle more effectively.

Topic: Be Informed and Educate Others

Not everyone knows the dangers that human activity poses to the environment. That's why being informed is important and educating yourself is the first step in educating others. You can use some of the resources we’ve already provided to educate yourself. 

  • Following the news, Reading articles, Reading magazines, Doing research, etc.

  • reposting and sharing helpful resources that you come across, encourage others to maintain a sustainable lifestyle, remind others to reduce, recycle, and reuse

  • You can also play different web games on reducing, recycling, and reusing waste.

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