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It is important to learn about different diseases and how it affects other people’s lives. This will make all of us more empathetic about other people’s circumstances and pay more attention to how to take care of ourselves. Staying healthy is a priority!

Topic: Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the tissues of your lungs. There are two different types of Lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer, but in general they have the same symptoms. A majority of Lung Cancer is caused as a result of smoking, but it can develop in anyone. A major prevention is no smoking. Lung cancer and small cell lung cancer but in general they have the same symptoms.


  • coughing (that doesn’t go away if you have non-small lung cancer)

  • shortness of breath

  • coughing up blood

  • trouble swallowing

  • unexpected weight loss


  • non-small cell lung cancer - surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of these treatments

  • small cell lung cancer - radiation therapy and chemotherapy


Topic: Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that affects how your body regulates blood sugar, also known as glucose.

Two Types of Diabetes

  • Type 1 Diabetes - occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin to manage their blood sugar levels.


  • Type 2 Diabetes - characterized by insulin resistance, where the body's cells don't respond effectively to insulin, often linked to lifestyle factors like diet and exercise. It may be managed with lifestyle changes, medications, and sometimes insulin. If left uncontrolled, both types can lead to serious health complications.


  • extra urination

  • extra thirst

  • losing weight without trying

  • hunger 

  • blurry vision 

  • neuropathy

  • tiredness

  • dry skin

  • sores that heal slowly

  • more infections that usual


  • Type 1 Diabetes - maintain a normal blood sugar level through regular monitoring, insulin therapy, diet and exercise

  • Type 2 Diabetes - exercise, medication and insulin therapy


  • losing extra weight

  • be more physically active 

  • eat more healthy plant foods that provide vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates for your diet


Topic: Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative neurological disorder that impairs memory, thinking and behavior. It is the most common cause of dementia and affects millions of people worldwide. 5.8 million Americans aged 65 or older had Alzheimer's in 2020. It is less common among the younger age group. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Alzheimer's, but there are treatments that can help manage symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. Early diagnosis and intervention are important to help slow the progression of Alzheimer's. Family history can be a factor that affects the rate in which people get this disease.


  • mild memory loss

  • loss of ability to carry on a conversation


  • medication such as galantamine, rivastigmine, and donepezil are cholinesterase inhibitors may help reduce or control some cognitive and behavioral symptoms

  • physical exercise


Topic: Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a very common brain disorder that causes recurring, unpredictable seizures, affecting more than 200,000 people each year. This occurs when groups of neurons in the brain send wrong signals, causing seizures, as neurons generate electrical and chemical signals that control human thoughts, feelings, and actions.


  • convulsions

  • loss of consciousness

  • altered sensations

  • confusion

  • unusual behaviors

  • mood swings


  • genetically passed down

  • neurological issues (stroke, brain tumor, brain infection)

  • childhood complications


  • medication to control and reduce the frequency of seizures

  • surgery to remove or disconnect the specific area of the brain responsible for the seizure

  • controlled special ketogenic diet


Topic: Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an inflammatory lung condition typically caused by infection, such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi. It can also result from inhaling chemical irritants. Pneumonia causes the air sacs in the lungs to fill with fluid or pus, leading to various symptoms.


  • high fever

  • cough with mucus production

  • shortness of breath

  • chest pain, especially when breathing or coughing

  • fatigue and weakness

  • rapid heartbeat

  • chills and shivering


  • good hygiene (washing your hands often)

  • quitting smoking

  • regular physical activity

  • eating healthy


  • antibiotics

  • antiviral drugs

  • pain relievers

  • hospitalization


Topic: Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a specific type of cancer that forms in pancreas cells. It begins as a growth of cells in the pancreas- which is behind the lower part of the stomach. When it’s working normally, it’ll create enzymes that help digest food/hormones to maintain blood sugar.


  • belly pain 

  • loss of appetite

  • weight loss

  • yellowing of the skin

  • dark-colored urine


  • smoking 

  • Type 2 Diabetes 

  • chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)

  • family history of pancreatic cancer

  • obesity


  • making sure to get screenings

  • maintaining a healthy weight

  • no smoking


  • surgery

  • radiation therapy

  • chemotherapy

  • chemoradiation therapy

  • targeted therapy


Topic: COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of lung diseases that cause breathing problems and airflow blockage. People who have COPD often feel tired, have a hard time sleeping, and may feel ashamed or blame themselves for having COPD. There’s also an effect of social isolation because it is harder to get out to do things. To prevent COPD, don't smoke.


  • shortness of breath, especially during physical activities

  • wheezing

  • chest tightness

  • chronic cough that may produce mucus (sputum) that may be clear, white, yellow or greenish

  • frequent respiratory infections

  • lack of energy

  • unintended weight loss (in later stages)

  • swelling in ankles, feet or legs


  • quit smoking 

  • medications

  • bronchodilators

  • inhaled steroids

  • combination inhalers

  • oxygen therapy

  • pulmonary rehabilitation programs

  • surgery


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