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As the holiday season approaches, we will be learning about various holidays and their origins. It is important to know what other cultures are celebrating and why. You can practice these cultural traditions, but also explore other alternatives to celebrate.

Topic: Christmas

Christmas is the most magical time of the year. This cherished holiday, observed on December 25th, commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and embodies a spirit of generosity, love, and compassion. It's a time when families gather around glittering trees adorned with ornaments, twinkling lights, and shimmering decorations, exchanging heartfelt gifts and relishing in the delight of each other's company. The air resonates with the melodies of classic carols, and the aroma of freshly baked treats fills homes, creating an ambiance brimming with nostalgia and happiness. From the joyous laughter of children to the acts of kindness that abound, Christmas encapsulates the essence of giving, gratitude, and the profound beauty of spreading cheer and love among all. Today we associate Christmas with Santa Claus, The Grinch, Christmas tree, presents, and so much more.

Topic: Hanukkah

Hanukkah was instituted to celebrate the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem during the Jewish revolt against the Seleucid monarchy. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and eight days. The date varies every year, but it is the 25th Kislev of the Hebrew calendar. Along with lighting one candle each day religious rituals of Hanukkah include daily reading of the scripture, recitation of the Psalms, almsgiving, and singing of a special hymn. Some traditions include reciting blessings, playing dreidel, eating fried food, giving gifts and listening to Hanukkah music. Hanukkah is a time to celebrate with close friends and families and many families celebrate in many ways.

Topic: Kwanzaa

Kwanzaa is an African American Holiday that celebrates both family and social values. It’s mainly celebrated from December 26th-January 1st in the United States as well as places like the Caribbean. Kwanzaa is a holiday that lasts for 7 days: each day stands for a different principle with 7 different symbols. 


  • Unity (umoja)

  • Self-Determination (kujichagulia)

  • Collective Responsibility (ujima)

  • Cooperative Economics (ujamaa)

  • Purpose (nia)

  • Creativity (kuumba)

  • Faith (imani)


  • fruits, vegetables, nuts

  • a straw mat

  • a candleholder

  • maize

  • gifts

  • a cup signifying unity

  • 7 candles in the African colors of red, green, and black (Each day, the family would come together to light one of the candles on the candleholder, also called the kinara, to discuss the principle for that day. On December 31, the family would get together and feast, which is known as the karamu.)

Topic: Santa Lucia Day

Santa Lucia Day is the festival of lights celebrated in Sweden, Norway, and the Swedish-speaking areas of Finland on December 13 in honor of St. Lucia.​

Traditions and Celebrations

  • A procession led by a young girl chosen to portray Santa Lucia. She wears a white gown and a crown of candles on her head, symbolizing the light that Santa Lucia brought to those in need. The crown of candles represents the fire that refused to take her life when she was sentenced to be burned.

  • Celebration begins early in the morning on December 13th. The chosen Santa Lucia, along with her attendants, visits homes, schools, and workplaces to bring light and festive songs.

  • Traditional songs are an essential part of celebrations. One of the most famous is the "Santa Lucia" song, which is sung during the processions. 


  • It is associated with the return of light during the darkest time of the year.

  • Saffron-flavored buns, known as "lussekatter" or "lussebullar" in Swedish, are a popular treat associated with Santa Lucia Day. These sweet buns are often shaped like an "S" or an "8" and contain raisins.

Topic: Dong Zhi

Dong Zhi, or commonly called Winter Solstice Festival is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated during the Winter Solstice solar term, which generally falls between December 21st to December 23rd. The festival celebrates the start of winter, with the date marking the turning point on the calendar where the days that follow start to get longer as the nights get shorter.


Traditionally, Dong Zhi is a time where families eat together. One of the activities these families may do is make "Tang-yuan" or glutinous rice balls together which symbolizes reunion. Steamed dumplings are also a popular food eaten to celebrate this holiday. 


It is a tradition that families gather together to worship heaven at temples, as it was believed to bring great harvest and good health. People also worship and pay respects to their ancestors by burning incense and placing food in front of their ancestors’ tablets.

Topic: Bodhi Day

Bodhi Day is the Buddhist holiday that commemorates the day that Gautama Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment, also known as bodhi in Sanskrit and Pali. It is known as Rohatsu in Japan.


There are two Bodhi Days each year, one "secular," celebrated as a fixed date in the Western World and Japan on December 8th. The other Bodhi Day is based on the Lunar calendar, so its date may vary.


As Bodhi day is a time for reflection, meditation, and acts of kindness, Buddhists celebrate this holiday by performing acts of generosity and compassion, engaging in special meditation practices, and studying Buddhists teachings. Some communities decorite Bodhi trees and engage in rituals to honor the Buddha's enlightenment. Other Buddhists light candles or lamps as a symbol of enlightenment dispelling the darkness of ignorance. 


  • Bodhi Day is closely tied to the teachings of the Four Noble Truths.

  • Light is a symbol associated with Bodhi Day, representing the illumination of wisdom.

  • According to legend, Siddhartha Gautama made a vow not to rise from meditation until he had found the truth.

Topic: General Ways to Celebrate

Not everyone celebrates any specific holiday during this time, but it is still nice to relax and enjoy this season ! Some other ways to feel festive during this time include, but are not limited to:


  • Spending time with family

  • Baking/cooking food for others

  • Making crafts 

  • Spending time with friends

  • Reading

  • Watching movies

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