
Time Served: 2017-2019
Major: Law and Society
Nicknames: Tree Branch, Derek, Chopsticks
Likes: Guitar, Disney Songs, Nice Thunderstorms
Dislikes: Bugs, bullying, humidity
Why do I volunteer: The positive vibe and meeting new and diverse people
Time Served: 2018-2019
Major: Biological Science
Nicknames: Alice in Wonderland, Mommy,
Likes: Food, Sleeping, Disney Movies, Traveling, Science, Ice cream,
Dislikes: Bugs, Math,
Why do you volunteer!: I volunteer because volunteering is something that I can do where I feel like I am making a change. Although it may not be a big one, but at the end of the days, I’m able to see people smile and that’s all that matters. Volunteering also allows me to reflect on myself and meet more people who also enjoy volunteering :))

Time Served: 2017-2019
Major: Chemical Engineering
Nickname: RayRay, Ray,
Likes: Gardening, Brooklyn Tech, Sleeping, The Library, Food, Money
Dislikes: Standards, Homework
Why do you volunteer: It's a good excuse to get out of the house and also the best ways to get to know new people.
Time Served: 2017-2019
Major: LIU PharmD
Nickname: Cindy Jie, Bindy
Likes: Pandas, Dogs, Sleep, Hoodies, Food, Traveling, Money, Watermelon, Chocolate cake
Dislikes: Deadlines, Homework, Waiting
Why do you volunteer: To make the world a better place and be part of a great cause while having fun and meeting new people.

Club Representative
Time Served: 2017-2019
Major: Chemical Engineering
Nicknames: Florida
Likes: spending money I don’t have, my blanket, bed, Netflix, movies, and food :))
Dislikes: Anything that flies, anything with more than two legs, back pain, humid weather, my lactose intolerance
Why do you volunteer: Not only is it an escape from the stressful lives we all have, it is always refreshing to stop and appreciate the number of selfless people who start up these organizations and participate in these events. Plus, we all should make an impact no matter how small!!
Creative Coordinator
Time Served: 2018-2019
Major: Chemical Engineering
Nicknames: Olive, Dai Lo, Duck
Likes: Plants, Autumn, Christmas Lights, Broadway Musicals, Watercolor, Anything Aesthetically Pleasing.
Dislikes: Olives, Mosquitoes, Math
Why do I volunteer: To help people less fortunate than I am. If I can make someone’s life easier by helping out through any means possible, however small, then that would be enough for me.

Event Coordinator
Time Served: 2018-2019
Major: Law and Society
Nicknames: Tofu, Stacey, Tray-Z
Likes: Music, Bubble Tea, Shopping, Watching Movies, Learning New Languages
Dislikes: Bugs, Heights
Why do I volunteer: I volunteer to bring a sense of purpose in my life. It’s also a great way for me to meet like-minded people that care about the same cause that I care about.
Event Coordinator
Time Served: 2017-2019
Major: Software Engineering
Nickname: Austin
Likes: Binge watching, Games, drizzles, food.
Dislikes: College Board, Durian, getting lost, Mondays
Why do you volunteer: It is the best way to spend a weekend when you have nothing planned. Plus, volunteering allows you escape your reality.

Event Coordinator
Time Served: 2018-2019
Major: Chemical Engineering
Nicknames: Angel, Jacky
Likes: Hello Internet, Swimming, Chemistry, Sleep, Music, Breakfast
Dislikes: Homework, Soda, Medicine, Homework
Why do you volunteer: We live in what is known as a civilized society,
where people mutually benefit from one another.
Event Coordinator
Time Served: 2018-2019
Major: Chemical Engineering
Nicknames: Elf on the Shelf, Googly Eyes
Likes: Arcades, Escape Rooms, Billiards
Dislikes: Subway Stations, Crowded Places
Why do I volunteer: To meet and work with new people around the city.

Event Coordinator
Time Served: 2018-2019
Major: Chemical Engineering
Nicknames: Izzey, Chem Major
Likes: Reading, Chemistry, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Succulent Plants, Sleep, Swimming, Broadway Musicals
Dislikes: Dirtiness, Pollution
Why do I volunteer: I want to help out people around the city. Sometimes people need a little brightness in their day, so when I help out, I can bring more joy into their day.
Event Coordinator
Time Served: 2018-2019
Major: Software Engineering
Nicknames: Calvi, Crystal, Whatever You Want it to Be
Likes: Ramen, Games, Summer, Sleep, Rain, Anime
Dislikes: Reading, Dirtiness
Why do I volunteer: To bring positivity to the community, while at the same time meet new types of people. Being able to experience new ways I can help the world while encountering new companions is perhaps one of the best reasons to volunteer.